My Friends
IMPORTANT NOTE: All these people have e-mail, but it's not really my
place to give that out. If you want to talk to one of them, send me a message
that I can pass on to them, and if who ever it is wants to, they can get
back to you. Or go to their web pages (for them that's got 'em). DON'T
A band director in southern Indiana, he was a student
at UK with me (and my "Big Brother" in our
Ryan is a fine euphonium player and particularly interested in Hector Berlioz
and in the American
Civil War. On April 2, 1999, Ryan presented the premier performance
of two of my musical
compositions, a concert piece in three movements for Euphonium unaccompanied,
entitled Music Without a Purpose, and a suite for Flute and Euphonium
(with his mother), dedicated to Ryan and Amy. Several other performances
of these pieces may occur within the next year (more on this at the appropriate
page!). In the summer of 1999, Ryan married Jennifer Lax, and I enjoyed
being the "Worst Man" at their ceremony. For some reason, Ryan doesn't
like the Macintosh OS!
Justin Harbour
Justin uses a Macintosh and hates "doing circuits".
He's from Louisville, but we don't hold that against him. In the summer
of 2000 when he married Laura Dierks. I got to balance Ryan's
wedding by being the Best Man! They've recently moved to just outside Lexington
in the interest of better stabling Laura's horse.
Nicholas Chapman
Nicholas was my roommate for three and a half years
when we were at UK, and I've known him since 5th grade (or something like
that). He's an astrophysicist who spends an inordinate amount of time reading
about Macintosh computers, considering that he probably won't get a computer
for 4 or 5 years! (NOTE: I originally wrote this in 1999 and he is as unlikely
to buy one now as he was then!) He thinks Pac Man is the greatest game
ever made, and he's midway through a 6 year combined Master and Doctoral
degree program at the University of Maryland. As part of his work he frequently
travels to a telescope array in northern California -- the week before
my wedding he made two full round trips to California and back to Maryland.